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About me

I am a small rancher and run about 120 registered angus cows with my wife, Emily, and 5 children, Nick, Rose, Anna, Chloe, and Lucy.  The farm isn't large enough yet to eliminate the job in town.  That's one of my first goals.  After that my priority is to raise my children to be able to appreciate life on the ranch and to have an in depth understanding of taking care of livestock. 


About the cows

I believe cows should work for us and not us working for the cows.  For this reason, I am not easy on my cows.  I feed them what they need to survive.  This allows nature to do some of my culling.  If they can't conceive and raise a calf to weaning on limited resources, they won't stick around.  The cows I keep are easier fleshing, low maintenance type of cows.  This shows up in the $EN epd with a herd average around +20. 

I also like being able to sleep at night during calving season.  I don't keep any animal that needs help in pulling a calf.  This comes from the fact that I am generally at work in town and may not be there to help should they need it.  So they have to be able to calve and survive on their own.

Goals for the cows

I am trying to keep every mature cow into the 1000 to 1200 pound range.  I have noticed that a large cow won't wean any more weight than a smaller cow.  So why feed a large cow?  I also select cows for easy fleshing and low maintenance.  This cow will also work well for grass finishing.  In the near future, I don't think we will be able to afford high input cattle as feed costs like everything else seem to be skyrocketing.  Finally, every cow must wean a calf to justify her existence on the ranch, no exceptions.

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